There are a number of things to take into account when selecting a host for your ASP.NET Core website. Frequently, speed, performance, and uptime are regarded as the “deal-breakers” (and they should be), but one crucial aspect that’s frequently overlooked, or at least given significantly less attention, is web security.

The safety and security of your data is obviously crucial, so when selecting a web hosting company, you should carefully consider its cybersecurity credentials. After all, a quick, efficient website that loses its users’ trust due to lax security measures won’t be very successful.

The significance of dependable and secure hosting may already be clear to you if you are the owner website. If not, you might want to keep reading because we’ll break down the key security features you should consider when selecting a hosting solution and reveal the top 5 best secure ASP.NET hosting companies in terms of security.

Let’s get started.

What to look for in a hosting provider in terms of security

Most ASP.NET Core hosting companies will advertise a variety of features designed to keep your website or application (and, of course, your data) secure, but it’s important to carefully review your hosting package before you sign up because many of these features might not come as standard — some might, for example, only be available on higher-priced plans.

To avoid being caught off guard, make sure the hosting plan you choose includes all the security precautions you need. Your hosting company should at the very least provide the following security features:

  • SSL Certificate:An SSL certificate is a particular kind of digital certificate that is used to verify a website’s legitimacy and encrypt data sent between the website and a user’s computer. It makes sure that all information exchanged between the server and the user is secure and private.
  • Firewall:A firewall is a security system created to stop unauthorized access to a computer or private network (also known as a web application firewall). It is intended to filter traffic between various networks and stop malicious traffic from entering the protected system. It may be hardware- or software-based.
  • Bot Protection: Bot protection is a type of security that employs automated tools and algorithms to find, keep an eye on, and prevent malicious bots from entering a network or website. Additionally, it can be used to identify and stop harmful behaviors like spamming and data scraping.
  • Login Security: A set of safeguards used to make sure that only authorized users can access an online system is known as login security. To ensure the security of user accounts, two-factor authentication is frequently used, along with strong password guidelines and other security measures.
  • User Access Management:User access management (UAM) is a security procedure used to regulate and keep track of user access to system resources. In order to ensure that access control policies are being followed, it typically entails creating user accounts, assigning permissions and privileges, and monitoring user activity.
  • End-to-End Encryption: End-to-end encryption is a type of communication where only the people who are supposed to read the data can do so. It is typically used to protect sensitive data by ensuring that only the intended recipients can access the data, such as financial information or medical records.
  • Two-Factor Authentication: Users must supply two pieces of information as part of a security procedure called two-factor authentication (2FA) in order to access a system or service. Most frequently, a password and a code are sent to the user’s mobile device for these two pieces of information.

In spite of the fact that the number of security features a company needs may vary depending on a variety of factors, including the nature of the company, the sensitivity of its data, the make-up of its workforce, etc., cybersecurity best practice calls for having multiple layers of defense in place.

The five ASP.NET Core hosting companies listed below are the ones we believe provide your company with the best overall security.

1. ASPHostPortal


ASPHostPortal is a Windows hosting service that also provides ASP.NET Core hosting. It is a simple, one-click hosting platform with more than 10,000 global servers. Dedicated firewalls, continuous real-time monitoring, automated backups, and regular security patching are just a few of the impressive range of security features it offers to keep your website or app safe from the newest threats. Enterprise-level security with cutting-edge defense against threats from distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks is what ASPHostPortal promises through its partnership with the sector-leading CDN provider Cloudflare (the ASPHostPortal Enterprise add-on is included as standard).

Security features include:

  • Free SSL certificate
  • Automated backups
  • Web Application Firewall (WAF)
  • End-to-end encryption
  • Malcare bot protection
  • Two-factor authentication (2FA)
  • Cloudflare Enterprise add-on


With a variety of shared and cloud hosting options, was established in 2004 and now hosts more than 2 million domains globally. Although it is on the more “premium” end of the web hosting spectrum, its pricing reflects this. However, as with many other things, you get what you pay for. A dedicated IP, a free SSL certificate for each domain, and automatic daily data backups are standard features included with every HostForLIFE plan. is a complete but expensive solution that works best for big businesses with complicated cloud infrastructures and special security requirements.

Security features include:

  • Free SSL certificate
  • Automated daily backups
  • Web Application Firewall (WAF)
  • Regular patches and updates
  • Real-time server monitoring
  • AI anti-bot system
  • Spam protection

3. UKWindowsHostASP.NET

When it comes to online security, UKWindowsHostASP.NET may not be as fully featured as some other ASP.NET Core hosting solutions, but it is still a very dependable and secure option that is advised for smaller businesses or those with simpler infrastructures. The affordable cloud hosting plans from UKWindowsHostASP.NET come with all of your essential security features as well as a few more sophisticated ones. All hosting plans include features like SSL certificates, automated backups, and multi-factor authentication (MFA), and for an additional fee, you can use the “UKWinShield” malware removal tool for additional security.

Security features include:

  • SSL certificates
  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Automatic daily backups
  • Domain privacy protection
  • Firewalls for IIS
  • ‘UKWinShield’ malware removal tool


Similar to UKWindowsHostASP.NET, is an inexpensive but surprisingly secure ASP.NET Core hosting option that is perfect for meeting the security requirements of small- to medium-sized businesses. In addition to offering a variety of inexpensive cloud hosting plans and virtual private server (VPS) hosting, also integrates with Cloudflare to safeguard your website from DDoS attacks using a built-in DNS firewall. There are also tools like “SpamAssassin” (which detects and eliminates email spam) and “Bitninja,” a security suite that guards against automated assaults like cross-site scripting (XSS), malware, and brute-force attacks.

Security features include:

  • Free SSL certificate
  • Automated daily or weekly backups
  • ‘SpamAssassin’ tool for removing email spam
  • ‘Bitninja’ tool to prevents automated attacks
  • Two-factor authentication
  • Cloudflare DDoS firewall

5. is well known for its quick speeds (it promises to make your servers run up to 20x faster), but that’s not all it has to offer: it also includes a range of strong security features, making it a great combination of speed and security. However, DiscountService does provide a variety of VPS hosting solutions with dedicated server resources. DiscountService does not currently offer traditional cloud hosting. When it comes to website security, DiscountService provides a dual firewall (guarding both the server and the network from threats), sophisticated DDoS protection, and a ‘HackScan’ tool that offers round-the-clock malware protection.

Security features include:

  • Free SSL certificate
  • DDoS protection
  • Automatic backups (not included in the Standard plan)
  • ‘HackScan’ 24/7 malware protection
  • Server and network firewalls
  • Server hardening
  • Two-factor authentication


In website management, security issues can come from a variety of different places. Security is crucial, whether you choose a shared hosting plan or dedicated hosting. The performance of your website can be significantly impacted by vulnerabilities in plugins, themes, or other software, making it more vulnerable to hackers. Users can avoid some security issues by selecting a ASP.NET Core hosting provider with robust security measures, even though many security issues can be unpredictable.

Depending on the security options it offers, a ASP.NET host may have a direct impact on the security of a website. The features that hosting companies can offer to help secure your website range from firewall protection to SSL encryption. You can figure out which hosting company offers the best protection options by comparing the feature lists of various hosting companies.

A comprehensive set of security features should include a combination of the following:

  • Your personal information can be protected from hackers by using domain security, which also stops them from stealing your credit card or domain login information.
  • To stop unauthorized access to your website, firewall protection filters through incoming requests.
  • Backups are a crucial element of a contingency plan. Automatically recover and restore your deleted or lost data.
  • Your website’s traffic is secured, and endpoint communication is protected, thanks to an SSL certificate.
  • DDoS mitigation will safeguard your website against unforeseen attacks and stop them from causing issues with downtime.
  • Scanners for websites can assist in defending your website against malware and other harmful threats.

The security of your website depends on your choice of ASP.NET Core host, especially if you’re thinking about using a free or inexpensive service. Verify certifications and compliance standards to see if they have been met. By reading customer reviews, you can also learn more about their security procedures and background. This will help you stay away from disappointments and scams.

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