On ASPHostPortal, you can get an SSL certificate for $4.00 a month when you buy a hosting package. The ASPHostPortal Windows Hosting server is compatible with various providers, such as Cloudflare or Let’s Encrypt, which offer SSL certificates without charge. Let’s start now!

One of the biggest networks now using the Internet is Cloudflare. People utilize Cloudflare services to improve the performance and security of their websites and online services.

Get FREE SSL from Cloudflare

1. Create a Cloudflare Account

Go to Cloudflare.com to register your account.

2. Enter Your Website URL

3. Choose a Plan

There is a free plan offered by Cloudflare among its other options. I have been pleased thus far with my free plan. Each plan is described in depth below.

Select Continue, Cloudflare will scan your site DNS. Review it and Continue:

4. Change Your Name Servers

Next, login to your domain portal registration and you can change your name server. Since I’m using ASPHostPortal, so I just need to login my domain portal registration and point my domain to Cloudflare name servers as below:

Any domain registrars have their own settings, so you just need to find name servers section and you can click it and then change your name server to Cloudflare name servers as below:

5. Enable SSL in ASPHostPortal Plesk Windows Hosting

If you don’t enable SSL on your ASPHostPortal Plesk control panel, people won’t be able to access your website. You can run across an HTTP 404 error.

Please go to your Plesk control panel -> hosting settings -> check both checkboxes under Security and Apply.

Please tick 2 options above.

6. Complete Your Cloudflare Settings

Go back to Cloudflare, click on Done, check nameservers and complete the settings.

Select Full mode under SSL/TLS:

As of right now, SSL protects your website. Please be aware that it can take some time for Cloudflare and ASPHostPortal to update on their end; check your website a few hours later.

Bottom Line

With this free SSL from Cloudflare, of course it helps to save on your website maintenance funds. ASPHostPortal is one of the most affordable and reliable ASP.NET hosting service providers. I’ve used their service for years and I can recommend it for those of you who are looking for cost-effective and reliable hosting services.


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