It’s perplexing that attentive customer support is still so hard to come by in the competitive global hosting market, which is expected to reach a $76 billion valuation by 2023, according to forecasters.

Customers are still required to navigate tier-based support systems by the majority of hosting providers. Although the host may find this strategy to be cost-effective, the customer will pay a price in frustration and longer wait times for resolutions.

The US.-based managed ASP.NET hosting company, ASPHostPortal stands out in a sector known for its subpar customer support. Customers are drawn to the company by its performance, pricing, and infrastructure options, but what keeps them coming back is the excellent customer service.

Dean, VP Business Development at ASPHostPortal, said, “We don’t want our customers to get passed around through a tiered system of support where they have to repeatedly repeat their concerns.” “Instead, we direct our customers to our qualified engineers.”

Clients at ASPHostPortal receive support from a committed team of three or four representatives who are familiar with the company’s hosting requirements and operational requirements. The assigned team is typically made up of the same individuals who assisted with the customer’s initial migration, according to Dean.

The same team in charge of the project will respond to the customer’s ticket, according to Dean. They are knowledgeable about their work and how the customer’s business operates. That plays a significant role in the level of customer service we provide.

Growing from a side project to a global cloud company

The history of ASPHostPortal begins in 2007 when its founders launched the business as a side project in addition to their regular jobs. The co-founders of ASPHostPortal identified a need in the hosting industry for companies offering high-quality hardware, comprehensive management, and committed customer service. The team did not make any outside investments in order to grow the company.

According to Mike, co-founder of ASPHostPortal, “We began by offering shared hosting.” “We leased two servers, one in the US and one in the UK, and provided shared hosting on dedicated servers for a global web presence. After some time, we began serving clients with more complicated needs, so we purchased individual dedicated servers for each of them. Then, around 2010, the cloud arrived, and we were able to virtualize everything while turning a profit to support growth.”

The co-directors of ASPHostPortal established the company’s first offices in New York, in 2010 and began growing various departments within the group.

“We started selling cloud servers, and then — just like with the business from the beginning — we started to get bigger clients coming along with more complex requirements,” said Mike. “We built a really cool private cloud platform over the last five or six years because they didn’t want to share cloud resources.”

Cutting-Edge Architecture and Support for Staying Ahead of Industry Changes

ASPHostPortal’s current emphasis is on mission-critical business hosting with a focus on safe private cloud services.

The self-healing VMware cloud platform provided by the company is dependable, extremely available, and offers a 100% uptime guarantee. SFTP solutions and dedicated servers are some other well-known products. All infrastructure solutions prioritize security through DDoS mitigation, intrusion prevention, and hardware firewalls.

According to Dean, ASPHostPortal has recently noticed an increase in customers looking to transform their businesses digitally due to the pandemic. Other clients encountered challenging financial circumstances. ASPHostPortal did everything in his power to assist both groups of customers.

We’ve negotiated payment structures to help some customers through difficult times, and it’s been quite an interesting ride, he said. On the other hand, some of our customers have been scaling like crazy.

Some clients completely abandon on-premises infrastructure, while others use a hybrid solution that best suits their requirements.

It all comes down to usage; clients often prefer to keep things local when they have large files they need to share among staff members, according to Jake. However, we have noticed that many customers are turning to products like our virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) as they make the switch to working from home.

Non-Tiered Support Can Help You Stop Infrastructure Problems

Secure File Sharing (SFTP Hosting), Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service (DRaaS), Backup-as-a-Service (BaaS), Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS), and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) are just a few of the fully managed IT solutions that ASPHostPortal provides. The business also provides a variety of networking and security tools.

Leah claims that the assurance they give customers is what unites all of these services.

In order to give staff members more time to concentrate on their customers, she said, the hosting and IT side of the business would be simplified. “We’re saving them time, money, and providing some assistance when they need it,”

ASPHostPortal also strives to improve the lives of IT specialists. Sysadmins and developers hate getting up early to respond to support calls because it makes them look bad.

“Our team is there to fix them in the middle of the night if there are any issues with their applications,” Dean said. You are not required to get up at two in the morning on Sunday.

A component of the ASPHostPortal customer experience is customization. The group strives to provide a cost-effective extension of its clients’ businesses.

“A lot of customers come to us after getting burned by public cloud vendors, where they have to pay so much for the management layer,” said Dean. “We charge much less for management and infrastructure. We are highly involved while also being cost-effective.

The ASPHostPortal team also values customer input and uses it to guide further advancement. Net Promoter Scores (NPS) are used by the business to gauge customer satisfaction for each ticket.

We constantly consider customer feedback, which is then incorporated into the business, according to Dean. The account managers keep an eye on all reviews so that we can keep delivering better service.

A Concentration on Global Private Cloud Services with High Availability

The ASPHostPortal team will continue to be committed to using the company’s fully managed private cloud to assist clients in reducing complexity without sacrificing security.

Because most people who want servers also want to virtualize them, Jon explained that his company’s primary focus is on its global private cloud services. Even the dedicated servers we provide are practically a gateway into the private cloud.

The private cloud from ASPHostPortal can be quickly deployed anywhere in the world.

With a private system, most other businesses are unable to provide the level of availability and resilience that we do, according to Jake.

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