This trustworthy seller lost out on a sale due to a bad user experience, specifically a slow website. This is both a significant and solvable issue. In fact, Google has long claimed that a website’s ranking in its search engine results pages (SERPs), particularly on mobile devices, depends on a variety of factors, including how quickly a page loads.

A web page should load in no more than 2 seconds, according to Google. Google, however, aims for 0.8 seconds or less. Therefore, even if a business has the best products in the world, its overall reach — whether it comes from paid or organic traffic — will be limited if it’s coupled with a poor web experience for users.

A reputable authority in the ASP.NET community and a premium ASP.NET hosting provider, ASPHostPortal. The team at the company is passionate about informing customers about the importance of web performance as it provides highly effective yet user-friendly tools and services.

We had a conversation with Dean, VP Marketing, to gain a deeper understanding of how ASPHostPortal can improve site performance and thereby increase the potential profits of its partners. Dean explains how ASPHostPortal wants to stop its customers’ high bounce rates and unrealized profits.

ASPHostPortal responds to the demand for more ASP.NET Users

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered many aspects of life in the world, including how we communicate and conduct business. Dean claims that ASPHostPortal saw a seemingly overnight change in the digital market.

Many of our customers, who had never done so before, were rushing to create some kind of ASP.NET and ecommerce component, according to Dean. “Restaurants had not made as much progress as retailers in their transition from brick-and-mortar to digital.

Many restaurants did not have curbside pickup or delivery options, and then they all appeared at once.

The team at ASPHostPortal faced an uphill battle with the rapid increase in businesses closing down (or at least supplementing) their physical locations. The business unveiled a platform for managing and billing for agency clients as well as a new hosting service for online shops. Together, these product launches bolster ASPHostPortal’s dominance in the ASP.NET hosting market and give users the ability to reduce the milliseconds that matter most in online business.

40% Faster ASP.NET Sites and 22% More Sales Thanks to New Platform

Websites like Ecommerce, a hugely popular WordPress plugin for online stores, are catered to by the new ASP.NET hosting service from ASPHostPortal. Dean claims that the platform uses compute-optimized infrastructure, a variety of ASP.NET-specific add-ons, and optimizations to deliver online storefronts up to 40% faster.

According to Dean, “the platform offloads a lot of dynamic ASP.NET requests, making your site faster — up to 20% faster in our performance tests and possibly more depending on how the site is configured.” “For customers who have switched to that particular service, we’ve seen up to an 20% increase in sales.”

The value of ASPHostPortal goes beyond performance to include security, another important aspect of successful online store operations. Consider ASP.NET updates as an example. Although the well-known scripting language is frequently used in the creation of dynamic websites, managing its necessary software updates can be difficult for non-developers, i.e., the majority of online store owners. Dean stated that at the time of this interview, 18% of all ASP.NET sites were using unpatched or unsafe versions of ASP.NET.

Dean stated, “There is a security patch available, and all of our customers are using patched versions. “We provide our customers with the means to perform (the maintenance) on their own. We support them when they don’t, though.

Summary: Use ASPHostPortal to increase ASP.NET site performance and revenue.

ASPHostPortal has been promoting its clients’ high-speed ASP.NET sites with higher realized profits for more than ten years. ASPHostPortal constantly pushes the limits of what is possible as a recognized leader in the ASP.NET innovation space. The company’s dedication to promoting growth for its customers is reaffirmed by the most recent launches of eCommerce products.

A faster website will result in fewer bounces, according to Dean. Numerous studies have demonstrated the advantages of that performance. Conversion rates and your capacity to launch products more quickly are everything.

ASPHostPortal doesn’t have a bargain-basement price; instead, the hosting company is totally committed to the long-term value it offers to clients who are able to see it.

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