In this review, we will review one of the best PersitsASP hosting, ASPHostPortal. ASPHostPortal is good solution for your small or large business who want to host PersitsASP.

We know there are many ASP.NET hosting nowadays, but very few hosting providers that support PersitsASP hosting. ASPHostPortal is the answer of your question. There are a dime a dozen these days, but you need a ASP.NET hosting provider that offers consistent performance, is available whenever you need them, and most importantly, comes with a large number of features included in your chosen plan.

As a part of our review series, here we will take a look at the popular web hosting service, ASPHostPortal, which has been in demand since their inception. With a variety of PersitsASP hosting providers available globally, ASPHostPortal manages to impress customers with their wonderful, affordable, and reliable services.

ASPHostPortal is a US based PersitsASP web hosting provider, headquartered in New York, United States, and hosts over 10.000 domains.

Since 2008, ASPHostPortal has been serving web customers and improving its own services gradually. It helps that they have been in the business for so long, due to which they have managed to achieve a reputation where webmasters or bloggers can easily rely on them to fulfil most hosting requirements.

Advantages Using ASPHostPortal Hosting Services

Here are some of key features that you get when you choose ASPHostPortal ASP.NET hosting services

They Have Various PersitsASP Hosting Plan and Pricing

ASPHostPortal offers 4 basic shared PersitsASP Hosting plan that you can choose

Host Intro plan start from $1.00/month, this is the lowest plan that you can choose. It comes with 1 hosted domains, 1 GB disk space, 10 GB Bandwith. This plan is suitable for people who want to start their site for the first time.

Host One plan start from $4.49/month, this is the second package of their PersitsASP hosting plan. It comes with unlimited hosted domains, 5 GB disk space, 60 GB Bandwith, 2 MSSQL db, 3 MySQL db, and unlimited email accounts.

The third plan is Host Two plan priced at $8.49/month. It comes with unlimited hosted domains, 15 GB disk space, 150 GB bandwith, 4 MSSQL db, 6 MySQL db, and unlimited email accounts.

The latest plan on this basic shared hosting is named Host Three plan, priced at $13.49/month. This plan has come with 1 FREE domain name, you can host unlimited domains, 50 GB disk space, 500 GB bandwith, 6 MSSQL db, 10 MySQL db, and also unlimited email accounts. In addition, your account will be activated on their Business grade server which has feature Super Cache, it will make your site run 3 times faster.

High Security Level

With CloudFlare, ASPHostPortal offers enhanced security features. CloudFlare is suitable for webmasters that need SSL to ensure better security against DDOS attacks on their website.

It offers hotlink protection along with three anti-spam tools in the form of Spam Experts, Spam Hammer, and Apache Spam Assassin. If this was not enough, it allows users to create and set filters for email accounts and users.

It empowers users with a host of comprehensive security features such as password protection for directories, potential to create IP address blacklists, manage digital certificates and private keys, and SSL (Secure Socket Layer) for secure admin access to specific configuration files.

Fast and Friendly Customer Support

Every webmaster hopes to receive good support from the PersitsASP hosting provider without any delays. It is here that ASPHostPortal proves more beneficial than other PersitsASP hosting providers.

ASPHostPortal’s support is significantly better with a lower wait times for users at different hours of the day. In addition, ASPHostPortal also have knowledgebase that very informative.

After prior experiences with ASPHostPortal and other PersitsASP hosting support teams, we can confidently say ASPHostPortal impressed us with their quick support via different channels.

World Class Control Panel

It offers a very user-friendly Plesk control panel that is built as per industry standards. The intuitive UI helps users manage websites on their own very easily. It is possible to manage domains, emails, databases and install important software like WordPress and Joomla, from the control panel itself.

Although ASPHostPortal takes automatic backups on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, users can backup their website manually as well, and change the automatic backup frequency from the control panel.

Money Back Guarantee

The provider offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, which means that first-time ASPHostPortal users can try out their preferred hosting package for a period of 30-days and continue with it only if they like.

Customers can choose not to continue with ASPHostPortal services within 30 days and get their money back as a refund. This is a great confidence builder by ASPHostPortal and if the user reviews are anything to go by, very few opt out of their services.

The money-back guarantee just helps build trust with users who have never dealt with the ASPHostPortal team before.

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