When it comes to the Internet, you need to have a place that you can call home. Your company’s Web site needs to be accessible, and the best way to do that is to rent space on a server through a Web host. A Web host is a company that allows you to save space on a server, which is basically a computer. The Internet is made up of servers that store information in a form that can be easily retrieved and then displayed by computer screens all over the world. In order to get your Web site on the Internet easily, it pays to rent space from a Web host.

We will focus in ASP.NET hosting since this blog is for ASP.NET hosting lover. There are many ASP.NET hosts out there, and some of them even offer free hosting. However, these free services often come at a price: diminished service or you have to let the company run ads on your business Web site (which looks unprofessional). In the end, it is often worth it to find ASP.NET hosting that costs a little bit. There are plenty of low-cost ASP.NET hosting options out there. Two Web hosts will be discussed here: HostForLIFEASP.NET and 1&1 Internet Inc. You can find out more about other popular low-cost ASP.NET hosts at https://www.topreviewhostingasp.net.

About ASPHostPortal and DiscountASP.NET Hosting

Founded by in 2007. ASPHostPortal has been hosting thousands of personal, small business and enterprise websites on a global level. In 2011 and 2012, ASPHostPortal ASP.NET hosting has been included in as one of the best growing private companies in the world. Nowadays, it has become one of the most famous ASP.NET hosting service providers in America and even around the world.

DiscountASP.NET is awarded as a leading ASP.NET hosting provider worldwide and certificated Golden Hosting Partner by Microsoft. The company offers and only offers solutions for .NET developers. Currently, it has Web Hosting and TFS.

ASP.NET Hosting Pricing – Who is Better?

ASPHostPortal offers 4 basic ASP.NET shared web hosting packages so that customers can choose the most proper one according to their current budget and needs, which are named Host One, Host Two, Host Three, and Host Four and priced at $1.00/mo, $4.50/mo, $8.50/mo and $13.50/mo. However, now, thanks to the compelling discount the company offers, the effective price of the plans is lowered to $0.99/mo, $3.81/mo, $7.21/mo and $11.46/mo.

DisountASP.NET in other hand only offer 1 shared hosting plan that is not quite flexible for customers to choose. The price is $10.00/month. As their customers, if you need more resources, it is quite difficult, you don’t have any option to upgrade your hosting plan. If purchase additional addon, it will be very costly. For example if you need 1 additional MSSQL db, it will cost you $10.00/month. It almost like purchase new hosting plan.

ASP.NET Hosting Features – Both have Same Strength

Both of the companies offer many features to help customers run website smoothly and stably and manage the accounts easily. However, there are also some limitations. The table below lists the main features ASPHostPortal and DiscountASP provide.

ASPHostPortal has many freebies that you can get when you registered your hosting plan with them. For example, you can get 1 FREE domain name or additional MSSQL database if you pay for yearly plan. DiscountASP seldom give coupon to their customers.

They both offer pre-packages app installers for software like WordPress or Joomla. The benefit using ASPHostPortal is they use in house software that can optimize your website performance. Your ASP.NET site can be faster 3 times.

ASPHostPortal ASP.NET hosting and DiscountASP.NET do daily backups of your server. We have tested their recovery tools and we found that both ASPHostPortal and DiscountASP.NET have great tools to backup and recover files. ASPHostPortal use Plesk control panel while DiscountASP.NET use their own control panel. This is one benefit if you use DiscountASP.NET.

Both ASPHostPortal and DiscountASP.NET also offer money back guarantee. If you don’t like their hosting services, you can claim and they will refund you.

From table above, we know that ASPHostPortal offer richer ASP.NET hosting features than DiscountASP.NET. DiscountASP.NET is quality ASP.NET hosting provider, but their hosting plan not competitive and very expensive.

ASPHostPortal and DiscountASP.NET is Reliable ASP.NET Hosting

Features, however, do not really matter if the ASP.NET host does not perform. The job of a ASP.NET web host is deliver your website files to a visitor’s browser every time they go to you web address as reliably and as quickly as possible.

Uptime is the measure of how well the web host fits the “reliably” part of performance. Both ASPHostPortal and DiscountASP.NET claim industry-standard uptime of 99.9%. Any measure of uptime by customers is going to anecdotal (including mine – neither me nor my clients have had noticeable downtime with either). Their uptime claims are supposed to be audited – so we’ll give them both a tie on reliability.

ASPHostPortal is to give steady and reliable ASP.NET web hosting environment for clients to host their sites. It uses the most recent propelled innovations to ensure the conceivable best execution, for example, Windows server 2016, IIS 10, SQL 2016 and numerous others.

What’s more, ASPHostPortal additionally exploits capable Dell servers that are sufficiently burly to meet the necessities of its clients. Its servers are Dual Quad Core, utilizes 64 bit programming and have 32 GB RAM, RAID 1 Disk Arrays.

DiscountASP.NET also perform great. DiscountASP.NET utilizes two data centers respectively based in United State and Europe. It means, customers get a chance to pick up a data center closer to their browsers. Moreover, the 2 data centers are Tier-1 level and highly equipped, which give a good reason for DiscountASP.NET 99.9% uptime guarantee.

Control Panel

You control your server and hosting account with backend software that’s on your server (sort like Windows on a PC). This backend software is where you go to find your server & website information. It’s where you install software to power your ASP.NET website. It’s where you set up your email – basically just managing your account.

ASPHostPortal offers Plesk panel, the most easy-to-use control panel adopted by a large amount of ASP.NET web hosts. With an intuitive interface, Plesk enables customers to manage every aspect of their accounts and websites in a simple way. In addition, cPanel integrates with a 1-click installer, with which customers can install a lot of popular CMS.

On the other hand, DiscountASP.NET offer their built in control panel developed by themselves, which enables customers to manage almost every aspect of their websites easily.

Customer Service

Customer service, like overall uptime, is often hard to judge based on just anecdotes – and companies’ internal metrics are not generally available. Both ASPHostPortal and DiscountASP.NET are huge companies with a lot of customers. Usually, customers with good experiences rarely talk about their customer service (especially if the service is functioning properly). Meanwhile, customers who do have problems will vocally talk about their bad experiences online.

Our most recent ASPHostPortal customer experience revolved around a problem with their ASP.NET version on control panel. The support answered very quickly and was very cordial. The issue was resolved within 10 minutes, and we received quick follow up via email from the rep.

DiscountASP.NET hosting support is good and (usually under a 30 minute wait) and their support staff is well trained.

In my conclusion, both ASPHostPortal and DiscountASP.NET can satisfy their customers. Their support is well trained and knowledgeable in ASP.NET


So – who wins ASPHostPortal vs DiscountASP.NET in 2017? With above explanation, we know that ASPHostPortal and DiscountASP.NET are 2 excellent ASP.NET hosting provider. But for price and features, ASPHostPortal really the winner. With $5.00/month, you can host unlimited websites with 2 MSSQL database. The price lower 2 times than DiscountASP.NET. The choice is on your hand.

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