With high reputation in ASP.NET hosting market, HostForLIFEASP.NET and SmarterASP are two world-recognized hosting providers, in particular for shared hosting. With rich experience and convincing customer service, they have attracted thousands of webmasters’ attention.

This HostForLIFEASP.NET vs SmarterASP comparison is about to find out who is a better provider for WordPress hosting. Based on the real responses from their customers and our real experience, this comparison is unbiased from the aspects of price, feature, performance and technical support.

In terms of ASP.NET Pricing

In terms of ASP.NET hosting package, HostForLIFEASP.NET launches four upgradeable plans at the regular price of €3.5/mo, €5.5/mo, €8.00/mo and €11.00/mo. In fact, if you are looking for the cheap ASP.NET hosting, this web host can meet your needs. Moreover, HostForLIFEASP.NET now offer 15% OFF for all of their shared ASP.NET hosting packages. Now, the price become €2.97/mo, €4.67/mo, €6.80/mo, and €9.34/mo.

SmarterASP.NET also cheap ASP.NET shared hosting solution. This provider also offer wide variety of ASP.NET hosting products. SmarterASP.NET have 3 ASP.NET hosting packages, which priced at $2.95/mo, $4.95/mo, and $7.95/mo.

Both HostForLIFEASP.NET and SmarterASP.NET offer money back guarantee that you can claim within 30-60 days.

ASP.NET Hosting Features

HostForLIFEASP.NET and SmarterASP.NET are characterized by both affordability and rich feature. Many similar features are provided by them, such as unlimited disk space, monthly data transfer, and so on. To make a detailed analysis, we select the Classic plan from HostForLIFEASP.NET and Basic plan from SmarterASP.

Hosting ProviderHostForLIFEASP.NETSmarterASP
Hosting PlanClassicBasic
Hosted WebsitesUnlimited1
Disk SpaceUnlimitedUnlimited
Latest ASP.NET CoreYesYes
Dedicated App PoolYesYes
Money Back GuaranteeYesYes
Control PanelPleskCustom

From the comparison above, you can easily see that both of them are rich-featured. The main feature that differentiate HostForLIFEASP.NET Hosting from SmarterASP is their free data backup service. Very few ASP.NET hosting companies actually provide a daily backup service, let alone a free one.

ASP.NET Hosting Performance and Reliability

Features, however, do not really matter if the ASP.NET host does not perform. The job of a ASP.NET web host is deliver your website files to a visitor’s browser every time they go to you web address as reliably and as quickly as possible.

Uptime is the measure of how well the web host fits the “reliably” part of performance. Both HostForLIFEASP.NET and SmarterASP claim industry-standard uptime of 99.9%. Any measure of uptime by customers is going to anecdotal (including mine – neither me nor my clients have had noticeable downtime with either). Their uptime claims are supposed to be audited – so I’ll give them both a tie on reliability.

Quick aside on reliability – be wary of any host that over-promises reliability. Everyone can (and does) go down at some point. The famous website like Facebook, Yahoo, or Bloomberg can down also. And SmarterASP certainly goes down. You should expect a very high-level of performance from your web host, but be sure not to let past performance set future expectations. Additionally, both services promise “unlimited bandwidth” (ie, how many concurrent visitors you can have on your site). That’s a partial untruth for nearly all web hosts. If your site is featured on CNN, Yahoo, and goes viral on Facebook at the same time…your site is probably going to crash. Again, expect a high-level of performance, but don’t have unrealistic expectations or put value in unfulfillable promises.

Back to comparing SmarterASP hosting vs HostForLIFEASP.NET on performance. Even though we can’t look at uptime directly – we can look at how quickly their servers can deliver files – ie how fast your website is.

As you can see above, HostForLIFEASP.NET ASP.NET Hosting speed and page loading results were much better than SmarterASP. You will notice that HostForLIFEASP.NET wins the TTFB comparison, quite handily. That said, you’ll also notice that on total load time – SmarterASP also loses. Typically, this would be put down to how the site is setup or how big it is. But my test was with identical, new websites, so that variable is out.

Customer Support Response Times

Just like what we mentioned before, HostForLIFEASP.NET and SmarterASP are recognized not only by their great ASP.NET hosting solutions, but also by considerate customer service. The two web hosts guarantee anytime technical support 24 hours a day, which are of efficiency to solve problems encountered by customers.

Our most recent HostForLIFEASP.NET customer experience revolved around a problem with their ASP.NET version on control panel. The support answered very quickly and was very cordial. The issue was resolved within 10 minutes, and we received quick follow up via email from the rep.

SmarterASP hosting support has typically been fine, but not quite good. Their support is fast (usually under a minute wait) and cordial, but not super knowledgeable. They seem to view support as a cost center rather than a marketing & retention channel.

In my conclusion, HostForLIFEASP.NET is more effective than SmarterASP for technical support. I must admit that they must improve their customer support, but overall I would prefer HostForLIFEASP.NET than SmarterASP hosting.

Final Judgement!

Here, we have to admit that both HostForLIFEASP.NET and SmarterASP Hosting offer the compatible ASP.NET hosting solution. However, if you are looking for the reliable, along with the better support, faster speed and more reliable solution, we think you’d better try HostForLIFEASP.NET Hosting.

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