How to Use ASP.NET Identity in a Console Apps

Your apps may implement authentication quite easily with the help of Microsoft’s ASP.NET framework. Hardly little has to be done to create a standard web application. You need to do little more than tick a few boxes to proceed. You may not be aware, though, that ASP.NET user authentication may be added to console applications. […]

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Easy Way to Restart Your ASP.NET Core Apps Progamatically

We developers won’t have access to servers all the time, and without management capabilities, it will be difficut to restart a web application. However, in ASP.NET Core, there is a way for us to programmatically restart our application without requring management capabilities from server admins. IApplicationLifetime There is a IApplicationLifetime interface in ASP.NET Core which can handle […]

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Application Insights .NET Core Application

So why would you ever log to Application Insights AND File log at the same time? Well, if you are hosting your own applications on your own machine, it can be great to have a file version of what’s happened. The file will be updated immediately, whereas Application Insights are sometimes up to 5 minutes […]

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How to Troubleshoot .NET Blazor WASM Debugging

The “Obvious” of WASM Debugging While coding with Blazor WASM, it’s easy to get lulled into a false sense of comfort. After all, it’s all C# and .NET, right? Well, not exactly. It’s easy to gloss over that while our code runs on a version of .NET, it’s not the one we know and love. […]

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How to Force HTTPS in ASP.NET Core

HTTPS is mandatory to grant security to your web application, regardless of the programming framework you are using. But what happens if a client calls your web app with HTTP instead of HTTPS? How can you force it to use HTTPS? Let’s delve into the options provided by ASP.NET Core. Use HTTPS Redirection I guess […]

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5 Ways to Redirect Request ASP.NET Core

In ASP.NET Core applications it is possible to redirect to a specific URL in several different ways. In this article, we will learn about these techniques and the code required to redirect a request in ASP.NET Core There will always be a need for redirection to another URL based on some conditions like redirecting a […]

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How to Reduce Connection Pools Hitting Multiple Databases

Microsoft’s connection pooling built in to the .Net Framework greatly improves performance by allowing hundreds of database calls to share the same pool of connections used to connect to the database. The .Net Framework creates a new pool of connections for each unique connection string. This works fantastic when your web application connects to a […]

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How to Make Your ASP.NET Application Pool Keep Alive

Somehow what you need is to have IIS keep website alive. You need to keep your ASP.NET website and application pool always running. Regardless of application pool, website, IIS web server, or the entire server restarting. Perhaps the main reasons could be that you need to initialize some code at the global asax at application start up. To fire […]

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Choosing Right Cybersecurity for Your Business

Organizations frequently need to adjust and update their cybersecurity approach as environmental threats, and attack surfaces change. For increased cyber resilience, many companies rely on new resources, technologies, and collaborators. It is difficult to stay on top of the most recent threats, which are always evolving and becoming more complicated, and it can be difficult […]

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