DNS propagation begins whenever a change is made to a domain name server’s (DNS) record. Your DNS IP will change while this process is taking several hours or even days to complete. Your old website or the new one might be visited by your visitors.

We have a list of five helpful online tools you can use to check the current status of your DNS records while DNS propagation is taking place. The resources are open-source and fairly simple to use. I hope it is useful for you.

1. DNSMap

Check the DNS for a domain name on a few global DNS servers from well-known providers like Google, Norton, and Verisign that are located all over the world.

2. DNSChecker

Check DNS propagation from 22 different locations around the world. This tool supports the following record types: A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, PTR, SOA, and TXT.


3. DNS Lookup

Here is another tool that performs checks at 17 different places. Supported record types include A, MX, NS, SPF, and TXT. Additionally, the website offers free testing services and additional email and website tools.

4. DNS Google

You might not be aware that Google has a tool for checking DNS. The tool returns the IPv4 and IPv6 authoritative responses for a domain and an IP address. All commonly used DNS entry types, such as A, CNAME, and some security-related entries like CAA, NSEC, and IPSECKEY, are supported.

5. Global DNS Propagation Checker

This tool reveals DNS propagation across all continents and almost all nations. Even DNS resolution is retrieved from various sources in each of the nations it supports. Additionally, the tool still enables you to check the propagation within a single nation or continent.


That’s it. That’s free tools that you can use to monitor your DNS propagation. If you have other great tools, please comment below. And if you find this post useful, please feel free to share it. Thank you!

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