Using IHttpClientFactory in ASP.NET Core

In today’s post, we will see how to create named HTTPClient requests using HTTPClientFactory in .NET Core or ASP.NET Core. Create a Named HTTPClient Create an ASP.NET Core Project Let’s look at step by step to understand and create named HTTPClient approach where we shall be creating HTTPClient request object using HTTPClientFactory. Interface IHTTPClientFactory  can be injected in Controller […]

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Caching Static Resources Forever with ASP.NET Core

Caching static resources like stylesheet, JavaScript, or image files allows improving the performance of your website. On the client-side, a static file will always be loaded from the cache which reduces the number of requests to the server and so, the time to get the page and its resources. On the server-side, as they are […]

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How to Run MySQL Connector in ASP.NET Core

This tutorial shows how to use MySQL database with MySQL Connector in Core. Before we start it, please make sure you have installed MySQL 5.7, .NET Core, Visual Studio, and also Sakila sample database. Let’s Get Started 1. The first step is to create ASP.NET Core Web Application and you can name it. For […]

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How to Customize ASP.NET Core Default UI

ASP.NET Core Identity includes a default UI as a Razor library that enables you to quickly add users to an application, without having to build all the UI yourself. The downside is that if you want to customise any of the pages associated with the default UI, then you end up taking ownership of all […]

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How to Run .NET Core Generic as Windows Service

Net Core 2.2 provides Web Host for hosting web applications and Generic Host that is suitable for hosting a wider array of host apps. In the .Net Core 3 Generic Host will replace Web Host.  Generic Host will be suitable for hosting any kind of app including web applications. I looked at many examples but found that none showed […]

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Top 13 ASP.NET Core Features that You MUST Try

ASP.NET is one of the most successful web application development frameworks by Microsoft. With every update, new and extended features are added that help developers deploy highly scalable and high-performance web applications. When coupled with application monitoring and other performance tools, such as a profiler, ASP.NET becomes a powerful solution for building incredible apps. Within the framework itself, there […]

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Learn How to Create ASP.NET Core using Kendo UI from AngularJS

Using cutting edge technology means overcoming that initial learning curve. Many times, we would like to just jump in and get started without starting from scratch. But as we all know the best meals are the ones that are well prepared, and rushing into things too quickly ends up making someone sick or leaving an […]

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What Changed on ASP.NET Core Logging?

If you are getting started with ASP.NET Core, you are probably wondering what has changed with logging. In short, the answer is both nothing and everything. The common logging libraries you have always used with .NET still work. Microsoft does provide its own interface for logging with .NET Core and it uses it for .NET […]

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