Basic Concepts and Hosting Models Selection ASP.NET Core Blazor

A summary of some fundamental Blazor ideas, including the benefits and drawbacks of WebAssembly and server models. Blazor Microsoft created the Blazor framework to facilitate the development of contemporary web applications. The primary benefit lies in the fact that developers can utilize C# to directly create dynamic and interactive web applications. To achieve high-performance application […]

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How to Fix 405 Method Not Allowed ASP.NET Core

While there were many advantages to switching from the classic ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core, there were also some new difficulties for developers. Among these difficulties, sending PUT or DELETE requests to an ASP.NET Core application hosted on IIS and receiving a “405 Method Not Allowed” error can be very frustrating. We will delve deeply into […]

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How to Setup Angular Code in ASP.NET Core Project

Due to their low weight and high performance, Single-Page Applications, or SPAs, have recently become the most sought-after client facing application stacks. In this architecture, the client application renders the fetched data onto a fluid and dynamic layout while the server concentrates on data logic and provides data to the client in the form of […]

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How to Build Multilingual Applications in ASP.NET Core

Every website owner wants to reach a larger audience. We typically create web applications that support multiple languages and deliver localized content according to user region and culture to realize this dream. With its extensive support for localization and globalization, ASP.NET Core has a number of built-in features that make it simple for developers to […]

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Custom Output Caching in ASP.NET Core

Background Once a page has been cached in the browser (or proxy), the server cannot make the cached copy be utilized in place of the updated version. Pages that are likely to change cannot, therefore, be cached at the client for very long. There is nothing we can do to change this. We should have […]

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4 Simple Steps to Deploy ASP.NET Core in IIS

Deploying an ASP.NET Core app to IIS isn’t complicated. However, ASP.NET Core hosting is different compared to hosting with ASP.NET, because ASP.NET Core uses different configurations. IIS, on the other hand, is a web server that utilizes the Windows OS and the ASP.NET framework. IIS’s function in this situation is to host ASP.NET Core-built apps. […]

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How to Create SOAP Web Service ASP.NET Core

We will learn how to construct and use Soap Web Services in Dotnet Core in this tutorial. In software development, Web services implementation comes in two flavors: SOAP and REST API. Web Services are programs that enable internet-based device-to-device communication. Please make sure you have installed The latest version of Visual Studio SQL Server Steps to […]

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Easy Way to Restart Your ASP.NET Core Apps Progamatically

We developers won’t have access to servers all the time, and without management capabilities, it will be difficut to restart a web application. However, in ASP.NET Core, there is a way for us to programmatically restart our application without requring management capabilities from server admins. IApplicationLifetime There is a IApplicationLifetime interface in ASP.NET Core which can handle […]

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Application Insights .NET Core Application

So why would you ever log to Application Insights AND File log at the same time? Well, if you are hosting your own applications on your own machine, it can be great to have a file version of what’s happened. The file will be updated immediately, whereas Application Insights are sometimes up to 5 minutes […]

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How to Force HTTPS in ASP.NET Core

HTTPS is mandatory to grant security to your web application, regardless of the programming framework you are using. But what happens if a client calls your web app with HTTP instead of HTTPS? How can you force it to use HTTPS? Let’s delve into the options provided by ASP.NET Core. Use HTTPS Redirection I guess […]

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