One of the greatest ASP.NET hosting provider, ASPHostPortal runs ASPNET-based websites quite effectively.

I’m going to explain how to use a free SSL certificate with ASPHostPortal hosting in this article. You will switch from an HTTP to an HTTPS ASP.NET website when you start utilizing this. One of the good ranking factors is the use of SSL. This shows that people can trust your website. When it comes to SSL, you can either use it for free or you may pay for it.

How to Setup FREE SSL with ASPHostPortal

When you will be starting these make sure that you have disabled Who.Is guard and whois information is update. Simply turn it off for a few hours. ASPHostPortal, your hosting provider, will email you to confirm all of this.

Once the SSL certificates are in place, you may proceed to turn on Who.Is guard for your domain.

Users can easily access a free SSL certificate from ASPHostPortal in the Plesk section. Once you’ve logged in, go to the top of your ASPHostPortal Plesk and find SSL/TLS settings. To access the SSL panel, you must click the security option. Simply select the “free SSL certificate” and switch it on after the is launched.

Once you have clicked SSL/TLS certificate, you will find install free basic certificate provided by Let’s Encrypt

Then, you will be asked your email address, please just kindly fill it with your email address and then click get it free.

Once it has been done, please find hosting settings on your Plesk control panel

Then, please tick both SSL/TLS support and Permanent SEO-safe 301 redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. Please make sure you choose your Lets Encrypt certificate.

Done! This will show that your domain has been successfully updated with the free SSL certificate from ASPHostPortal. You will now switch to HTTPS. After completing this procedure, you should check the installation of SSL on your domain using an online SSL certificate checker.

You will need to take a seat and get to work calmly if you already have a ASP.NET website. I’ll outline a few actions you can take to switch from HTTP to HTTPS. You must focus on SEO during this process.


I hope that article above help you to install free SSL certificate with ASPHostPortal. If you are using Plesk control panel on other ASP.NET hosting provider, instead of ASPHostPortal, the installation process are also same. Good luck and I will be back with other tutorial. Thanks for reading. If you have found this article helpful, please feel free to share this information.

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